Is Karen Blixen Museum Worth Visiting? Find Out

Located in the serene suburb of Nairobi Kenya, Karen Blixen Museum is an important cultural and historic site. The site not only offers insights into the life of the Danish author Karen Blixen but also a tranquil place for self-reflection against the backdrop of the Ngong Hills.

Built in 1912, the colonial-era house was home to Karen Blixen, famous for her book and film Out of Africa, which detailed life at the estate. Karen and her Swedish Husband, Baron Bror Blixen-Finecke bought the property in 1917 to operate a coffee plantation.

For unexplained reasons, the couple separated in 1921 and the Boron left the estate. Karen continued living at the farmhouse managing the coffee plantation on her own. The project suffered financial constraints and several tragedies that forced Karen to relocate to Denmark in 1931 for good.

The ownership of the Blixen’s estate underwent through several developers. The 4,500-acre farm eventually ended up subdivided into 20-acre parcels for sale. This created the present Karen suburb. The Danish Government reclaimed the house and offered it to Kenya in 1964 as an independent gift.

Karen Blixen Museum Nairobi Kenya

Is Karen Blixen Museum Worth Visiting?

Karen Blixen’s house became a National Museum in 1986, resulting in numerous visits from different people across the world. The Museum is open daily between 9:30 am to 6 pm local time including on weekends and public holidays. Mornings are quiet and crowds tend to surge in the day.

Here are interesting things about Karen Blixen Museum and why it should be on your holiday list.

Isak Dinesen Memoirs

Karen Blixen Museum is set in a house where the most renowned Danish author, Karen Blixen lived. Also known by the pen name Isak Dinesen, her book, Out of Africa, is not only a deeper contribution to the world of literature but also a detailed insight into her life at the estate during the colonial era.

Beyond the film, visitors can also view the artwork, furnishings, and furniture that belonged to Karen Blixen. Among the things you’ll find are the vintage utensils, wood-burning stoves, and lanterns from the 1900s. The dining room table, clock, and typewriter are well preserved.

In the museum shop, all of Karen Blixen’s books are available in different languages. Furthermore, you can purchase items from a collection of souvenirs including postcards, the movie ‘Out of Africa’, art ware, and handcrafted items that you can offer as gifts to friends or family.

Historical and cultural significance

Visiting the Karen Blixen Museum provides a rich historical context that reflects the country’s colonial past. During this period, Kenya was part of the British East Africa Protectorate. Swathes of productive lands were reserved for European settlers as locals were driven out.

Karen had a deep love and connection with the culture and people around her. Locals admired her courage as she aimed to better their lives in the eyes of the colonial government.  Her phrase, ‘’I had a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills’’ shows how she was loyal to her feelings and passions.

What’s more, the museum hosts various events that teach about the heritage and cultural diversity in the country. The indigenous trees on the estate are also a source of inspiration for conservation. Karen Blixen had much love for flower decorations, and that tradition lives on in her home to date.

Serene and tranquil surroundings

Karen Blixen Museum is set within well-manicured gardens. This offers a serene place for a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. The museum gardens are also a great place for outdoor events including weddings, birthday celebrations, and team building for corporates. 

Various engines, a bullock cart, and a huge coffee-processing machine also lie in the gardens outside the house. They clearly illustrate the life of the early European settlers in the country.

Haven for birdwatchers

Karen Blixen Museum boasts a diverse array of bird species within its lush gardens and wooded areas. Down on the nature trail, birdwatchers are treated to a spectacular view of an uncountable number of birds. Karen Blixen has a vision of creating a sustainable haven for birds.

Flower Gardens at Karen Blixen Museums

Karen Blixen Coffee Garden

Blixen’s love for cooking did not just end with her exit from the country. Karen Blixen Coffee Garden offers guests a chance to enjoy diverse tastes of French, English, Italian, and Danish cuisines derived from her original recipes. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Set in the old Blixen’s coffee farm estate, Karen Blixen Coffee Garden & Cottages is just a short walk from the museum. It is a beautiful place with hundred-year oil trees, gardens, a pool, and a variety of blooming flowers. There is plenty of free parking space and conference facilities.

Beyond the outdoors, the place has several family rooms and suites equipped with state-of-the-art amenities. There is high-speed internet Wi-Fi, children’s television networks, a work desk, TV, mini-bar, fireplace, air conditioning, walk-in shower, and dedicated room service.

How to get to the Karen Blixen Museum

The Karen Blixen Museum is about 10km from the city center. Taking a taxi or rideshare service like Uber or Bolt is the easiest way to the destination. Simply use the app to request a ride and in a few minutes you’ll be at the museum. Be sure to confirm Karen Rd Langata as the exact location.

Public transport can also take you to the Karen Blixem Museum. Matatu Route 24 from the Ambassadeur stage in the Nairobi CBD will drop you right at the entrance gate. If you prefer the flexibility of having your transportation, you can rent a car and drive yourself to the museum.

Many tour operators in Nairobi offer guided tours to the Karen Blixen Museum. This can be convenient especially if you are connecting to the nearby attractions including the Nairobi National Park, the Giraffe Center, or the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust elephant orphanage.

Final Thought

Karen Blixen Museum is worth visiting. It’s a place where you can connect with Kenya’s past through the memoirs of Karen Blixen a.k.a Isak Dinesen. The museum is located in a serene tranquil place with a spectacular view of Karen’s beloved Ngong Hills.

For any inquiry or clarification, don’t hesitate to contact us or leave a comment at the end of this page.

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