Is Hotels Ugogo Legit? Everything to Know Before Booking

Hotels Ugogo is a relatively new online booking platform for accommodation worldwide. On its website, they claim to offer best available rates and discounts to members. From boutique and brand name hotels to vacation homes and apartments, Hotel Ugogo promises a vast selection that suits every traveler.

In today’s digital world, you are likely to fall victim to online fraud without knowing. Scammers use attractive deals on websites to get personal details or money from people. So, its understood when travelers question the authenticity and reliability of new players like Hotels Ugogo.

Read on to know everything about Hotels Ugogo before you entrust them with your travel plans.

Hotels Ugogo

Is Hotels Ugogo legit?

A straight answer is Yes. Hotels Ugogo is a legitimate booking platform that offers a vast array of accommodation options around the world. This range from boutique hotels and luxury resorts to vacation homes and apartments. I’ve used their platform several times including my trip to The Sands at Chale Island.

Hotels Ugogo offer great convenience in securing accommodation from the comfort of your home. They have exclusive deals, discounts, and promotional offers, which can help you save money on your accommodations. Booking is a straightforward process that’s completed in few minutes.

A deep look into their website indicates that is an old domain registered in October 2014. This means the website has been around for a while now. What’s more, they have a valid SSL certificate and there is no security engine that has blacklisted them.

The only problem is, Hotels Ugogo is less known and very few people visit their website. With little number of reviews, it becomes difficult to tell much about them. 

Why do Hotels Ugogo offer lower rates?

Hotels Ugogo capitalizes more on unsold rooms at various hotels thus able to offer what they call “unpublished” rates to their members. They are exclusively offered good deals compared to what’s provided to the general public, corporate travelers and groups by the respective hotels.

While registration as a member is absolutely free, Hotels Ugogo earn a small commission from the hotel for each booking made through their website. Its Kind of an affiliate program. For any clarity, their customer services team is ready to assist via phone, online chat, or email.

How to safeguard your bookings online

According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association consumers lose billions of dollars to growing travel scam. Beside attractive rates on their sneaky websites, scammers can reach out over phone calls or emails. They can pretend to be a very well-known hotel company.

As a traveler, there are a number of things to do to avoid falling victim to such fraudsters.

Do a thorough research

There are many legitimate third-party booking sites and travel agencies. The only way to find them is through research. See what the previous customers say about the company’s services. Websites without “https” encryption, clear contact information or terms of service are a red flag.

Further, upon identifying a reputable booking platform, familiarize yourself with their cancelation policies before booking. Make sure you understand any penalties or fees associated with any changes to your reservation. I have see people lose their money as a result of cancellations.

Plan ahead for your trip

Planning ahead stops you from being in a hurry to secure good rates. Understandably, this can put you at a risk. The best hotel deals are often available far in advance. So when you have enough time, its easier to compare different sites, their packages and amenities. 

Use secure payment methods

Use secure secure payment method when making a purchase directly or indirectly. Paying with a credit card offers more protection than debit card, wire transfers cash and other payment methods. Simply avoid methods that can give access to all the money you have in the bank.

Keep reservation records

After making a booking, double-check the confirmation email or reservation details. Ensure all the information, including dates, room type, and price, is correct. This data should be kept safe as it serve as evidence in case of any dispute.  Any discrepancy in the records should be notified to the hotel immediately.

Purchase from the source

If you have any doubts about a given site, its worth booking from the source. Clearing any concerns about your accommodation can be easier by contacting the accommodation. Beware of sites that mirror websites of the real companies. Calling and asking a few intriguing questions can startle scammers.

What to do if you fall victim to online booking fraud

There are a number of things to do if you fall victim to online booking fraud.

  1. Contact your bank or credit card issuer as soon as possible to report the fraudulent transaction. They can help you dispute the charge and potentially reverse the transaction. If you are lucky, you’ll get back your money.
  2. Collect all evidence related to the fraudulent booking including confirmation emails, receipts, screenshots of the booking website, and any communication with the fraudulent party. This information is useful when reporting the fraud to authorities.
  3. Report the fraud to the booking platform. Provide them with details of the fraudulent transaction and any evidence you’ve gathered. They may be able to assist you in resolving the issue or provide guidance on next steps.
  4. File a report with authorities. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States or Action Fraud in the United Kingdom can help in conducting investigations into the case.
  5. Alert other travelers on review websites, forums, or social media platforms. This can help raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

Final thoughts

Hotels Ugogo is one of the place to book your accommodation when travelling on a budget. Typically, when dealing with any online platform related to bookings, it’s important to ensure its legitimacy before making any transaction. If you have any doubts, feel free booking through other reputable platforms.

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